What are the filters and Advanced Filters?



    Filters are a feature of Langmate allowing you to display only the user profiles you want to see on Cards and Local People*.
    By default, you can select the user’s age range and whether you want to see only Japanese or everyone.

    To change your filters settings, tap on the filter icon  filter icon  on the top right of the Card section and/or Local People section.
    * You may need to be a PREMIUM or PLUS+ user to access to filters in Local People

    Advanced Filters

    Advanced filters are part of Langmate PREMIUM and PLUS+, and members can also configure their preferences regarding other users’ gender, nationality, and language preferences, such as the specific language a user is learning and can speak.
    Finding people with the same language interests as you or of a nationality you like is a great way to find friends who match you!

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